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17 July, 2024
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Migrate Active Directory domains with KeyCloak Identity and Access Management

17 July, 2024

Execon recently completed a strategic IAM (Identity and Access Management) project for an european leader in the insurance industry. This complex initiative involved migration of the current domain to a new one (including the so called domains’ split) spanning across multiple systems.

Project objectives & challenges

The project’s primary goal was to migrate the current domain to a new one as a part of customer’s strategic initiative within the Digital realm. The migration was also essential to improve and harden security and to get ready for future development scenarios which are part of the client’s digitalization roadmap.

One of the key business objectives was domain segregation. As the customer’s team is wast and bridges multiple organizations and also cooperates with a network of business partners, it was decided that partners and employee domains had to be separated. This involved migration and transferring employee data to the new domain, while retaining partners data on the old domain.

Another critical objective was the scale of the project and the volume of user migration in particular. Up to 200,000 accounts had to be migrated to the new environemnt, ensuring continuity and efficiency.

Solution & Technology

Execon was in charge of the Keycloak customization and configuration. Keycloak, an open-source identity and access management solution, was crucial for integrating the new domain and ensuring seamless user access and security. Other project’s activities, in cooperation with third party partners and vendors, included coordination, e2e testing, and Active Directory transition as well as integration of the main core system with the new domain architecture.

In a multi-domain Active Directory environment, Keycloak serves as a centralized identity and access management solution. It integrated seamlessly with multiple Active Directory domains, providing unified identity management and ensuring robust security. As this project has prover, Keycloak enables organizations to manage users from different domains efficiently through flexible user federation and supports scalable deployments. By enforcing consistent security policies and offering single sign-on capabilities, Keycloak enhances operational efficiency while maintaining a high level of security across diverse organizational domains. Its role is pivotal in simplifying user access and management tasks, thus supporting organizational growth and agility.

Keycloak - an introduction to easy user management

Let’s make KeyCloak project together

The project was delivered full scope, within budget and with tight deadlines. On top of such experience Execon recommends KeyCloak as a primary IAM approach in  modern digital organizations.

Reach out to us to lear more.


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