How It All Started?
The company was founded in 2012 by Artur Lempkowski and Maciek Grula. The original idea of delivering executive-level consulting (Exe – excutive, Con – consulting) evolved, and the acronym ITS (IT Services) was added to the company name.
Think. Make. GO! is our approach to project implementation. We believe that every investment should be based on a solid concept, which is always a crucial stage for us. This approach has allowed us to carry out a series of complex implementations that were initially perceived as “”mission impossible”.
Today, Execon is a group of technological entities that delivers solutions in the field of Customer Experience. Company provides advanced technological solutions for renowned international companies in the telecommunication, banking, insurance, retail, and utility sectors.
Since the very beginning of our operations in 2012, people have been Execon’s greatest potential. Thanks to our Think. Make. GO! approach and our team of specialists, we can deliver the most technologically advanced solutions to our clients.